
Renata Leão, Executive Creative Director at DAVID

What is the number one quality you look for in talent?

A person who is committed to the craft. That being said, I believe being responsible and sensible is also key. I’m always on the lookout for creative people who are hungry for challenges and are open even to the hardest feedback. Being kind and hard-working also means the world to me.

What is the very best career advice you’ve ever received?

“Ask for feedback whenever possible.” Asking your boss for feedback is actually extremely beneficial to your career, especially because you receive an updated point of view from them as to what they are expecting from you. And also, this usually gives you sufficient time to work on all areas that might need improvement before they could become a potential problem. As my boss here at DAVID loves to say: “Feedback is a gift”. Be sure to retrieve your gifts, amigos.

What part of your role as a leader do you find most rewarding?

I believe this question has 2 answers for me. Regarding the internal process, I think it’s really rewarding when I watch the teams feel like they’ve reached a powerful creative insight for a tough client’s brief. Because that usually means they found gold. So my job, from then on, is to help everyone prepare the work to be as powerful and as interesting as it could ever be. And in regards to the role, when it comes to client relationships, I love to see clients trust the process and push themselves out of their comfort zone when making decisions. Although some projects can be very stressful endeavors, I’ve never had any client complain to me – after a challenging but successful project is finished –  that they were sorry we insisted on treading the uncharted path.

By Sasha The Mensch

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