
Kiska Howell, EVP | Executive Business Lead at DDB

What has been the most challenging moment so far in your career?  My first day in an agency. I went from being a high...

Breaking Up the Band: The Value of Hiring Outside Your Comfort Zone

A few years ago, I worked with a really successful CCO. When he was looking for an ECD, I noticed that, anytime people were...

Inger Tanderup, Executive Creative Director at FCB Chicago

If you could attribute one other person or life event to your success, who or what would it be and why? Success hardly ever...

This Is Not an Exit: You Are Now Entering the Post-Merger Era

For years, people have made sweeping declarations that the holding companies are over. Well, the holding companies aren’t going anywhere, but their role in...

Sandra Bold, Chief Creative Officer at Wunderman Thompson Benelux

What has been the most challenging moment so far in your career? It’s both weird and weirdly rewarding to change countries and start over....

André Toledo, Chief Creative Officer at DAVID New York

What is the number one quality you look for in talent? For me, passion is the most important quality for any creative person. We’re...

The Value of an Immigration Lawyer

What Really Matters to International Talent As a recruitment firm, we search the globe to find candidates and help them navigate the process of...

Monique Kaplan, SVP Creative Director at Energy BBDO

What is the very best career advice you’ve ever received? You’re only ever as good as your people. The best leaders surround themselves with...

This Holiday Season, Consider Hiring More Talent

Why It’s Wise for Agencies to Hire During Slow Periods A fair warning before we get into things. I intend to suggest an idea...

Erick Rosa, Chief Creative Officer of Publicis Groupe Japan

What is the number one quality you look for in talent? Curiosity and kindness. Curiosity because creativity feeds off of it. Kindness because this...